Understanding Transgenderism

This webpage is designed to act as a point for information on terms/definitions and arguments and opinions in relation to transgenderism, transgender ideology, transition, and transgender rights. There are plenty websites that advocate for transgenderism, so the aim of this website is to offer a counterbalance in some ways. I hope you will learn something new, and that especially the glossary is helpful to you.

My opinion is that people of both sexes should be able to dress in any way they like, have relationships with anyone of an appropriate age, that people of both sexes should be able to do any kind of job or hobby, have friends of both sexes, have any kind of mannerisms and interests. I am not a conservative, and if you would see me you'd think I fit in better with the trans-rights activists than with conservative groups. I am quite left leaning on many topics such as animal rights and LGB rights, I volunteer, and I am a migrant who has lived in different countries so I can hardly been considered small-minded. However, I can't go along with an ideology that claims that humans can change sex or that your sex is determined by your feelings, who you are attracted to, your hobbies, interests, or fashion/style.

'Gender' is a nebulous concept that may be of interest in certain discussions, but when it comes down to when sexes are segregated (toilets, changing rooms, sports, prison etc.) this should always be based on sex, not on 'gender', a feeling someone has, or someone's costume.

Transgenderism would not be an issue if these were just opinions and did not affect public life or the rights of others. However, considering we now live in a time where as a female I must accept males in my public toilets, changing rooms, prisons, and domestic violence shelters, this is no longer just a 'difference in opinion' and I, and many others, feel the need to speak out and stand up for our rights as females.

Secondly, I don't think it's in anyone's best interest to advertise to children and vulnerable adults that they can essentialy change who they are to better fit in, be more popular, or be happier. There are undoubtedly stories of people who transitioned and whose life was improved in the long-term, and more power to them as long as they do not use spaces or services for the opposite sex. But there are so many stories where in the long-term, transition did not improve the life of the person and instead they came out worse. And unlike a punk phase from which you can just grow back your hair or remove or cover up a bad tattoo, you can't grow back your genitals, breasts, or fully undo the effects of hormone use.

And aside from the physical effects of medical transition, (social and/or medical) transition can cause tension and strife in families and relationships that may result in people cutting contact/estranging from family and friends and relationships falling apart. It may also affect someone's professional life and end up in a falling out and unemployment or career change to a less-profitable role. What if for the trans-identifying person their 'gender journey' was indeed a temporary distraction, would the consequences for their family, social, and professional life have been worth it?

If you are a partner/ex partner of a trans-identifying person or a (grand) parent or (grand) child of a trans-identifying person and you would like your story to be shared on this website, please email me your story and I will post it anonymously (please do not use the other person's real name or identifying details for the sake of their anonymity): info - at - understandingtransgenderism.com .

This website is still in development and I am aware that the functionality of the glossary could be improved. I was keen to publish it anyways for the benefit of those seeking clarification of the included terms.

NOTE: This website does not contain any sexual content but some definitions and discussions relating to sexuality and adult topics are included in the materials.

Note that this website is for informational purposes only on which I share my personal opinions. This website does not contain any medical advice. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please speak to a qualified medical professional. If you have a health emergency, you should contact your local emergency services.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please reach out to any of the services listed:
USA: https://www.apa.org/topics/crisis-hotlines
Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/mental-health-services/mental-health-get-help.html
UK: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/crisis-services/helplines-listening-services/
Australia: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-health-helplines